GENE SLOVERS Gunner's Mate Missile 3 & 2 NAVTRA 10199-B 1972 Rate Training Manual
The following manual was scanned, with great precision, by Phil Hays of the USS Oklahoma City CLG-5 and is presented here through his kind permission. In the interest of download speed, his files have been compressed and are not the pristine quality of the originals. When guided missiles were introduced into the fleet the Gunner's Mate Missile (GMM) rating was created for personnel who were involved with operation, maintenance and repair of guided missile launching systems. GMM training was broken into two phases. The new GMM striker studied for the Petty Officer 3rd Class rating (GMM3), and then advanced to Petty Officer 2nd Class (GMM2). Information for these ratings was contained in the GMM 3 & 2 training manual. If a person showed special aptitude he could advance to Petty Officer 1st Class (GMM1), and the best qualified personnel advanced to Chief Petty Officer (GMMC), using the GMM 1 & C manuals. This Rate Training Manual was written to serve as an aid for enlisted men of the U. S. Navy and Naval Reserve who are preparing for advancement to the rates of Gunner's Mates M (Missiles) 3 & 2. It is one of a series of Rate Training Manuals designed to give enlisted men background information necessary for the proper performance of the duties of their rates. The manual is divided into three files. Each file has a table of contents at the beginning with hot links to the chapters contained only within that file. Return here for the chapters in other files. There is also an index in the last file as well as a separate downloadable index for your convenience. The files are all searchable from within your reader.
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