40 MM Bofors Anti-Aircraft Gun

Its History and How One Moved From
Charleston, SC Back to Pearl Harbor in 2010

Credit for this historic document goes to Bolling Smith, of the Coast Defense Study Group.  Thanks for sharing.

This document is the "History of the Americanization of the BOFORS 40mm Automatic Anti-Aircraft Gun".  It is the chronological record of procurement of manufacturing rights by the United States Government; of cooperation between the Army and Navy in purchasing it and then coordinating production for both services; of facilities chosen to make its components and their contributions toward its improvement; of its perfection under American mass production methods and of the numerous attempts--successes and failures--to adapt it to many combat uses. Appended are tables of production through 31 December 1943 and a table of price reductions on the gun's principal components.

History of the Americanization of the Bofors (2 meg pdf)

Moving a Bofors From Charleston, SC to Pearl Harbor

The following photos are from Patriots Point in Mt. Pleasant, SC, home of the USS Yorktown, but here's a story you haven't heard:

What started as a casual conversation in 2009 between David Clark, Dick Trammel (both of Patriots Point), Ford Murray, Docent from the USS Missouri and Jeff Jacobs, whom Ford was visiting in Charleston, initiated what was to be the very rewarding experience of returning a Bofors to its original home.  Jeff and his wife met Ford when they toured the Missouri in 2008 and became fast friends.

Bofors side angle

In 2009, while Ford was in town touring Charleston SC, David and Dick rolled out the red carpet and gave Ford, Jeff and their wives a VIP tour of the USS Yorktown.  See separate page for more photos of that day.  

Ford mentioned that the Missouri used to have Bofors mounted.  Although they were removed for a refit, he said they'd sure like to have one to display.  And so the idea was born out this conversation between these four men to return one to its original ship, the Missouri.  As it turned out, the Bofors at Patriots Point actually came from the Missouri and through the kindness and cooperation of many people, including Dick and David, the Department of the Navy and Pearl Harbor people, one of the Bofors from the USS Yorktown was returned to its original home on the USS Missouri, now in Pearl Harbor.

Bofors front view

At the entrance to Patriots Point.  While this is not the exact Bofors that was shipped to Pearl Harbor, it is certainly representative.  


Bofors right angle

Bofors side angle

Here are some photos from the arrival at Pearl Harbor, after over 5,000+ mile journey, including 2,500+ miles via truck across the US to Long Beach, California and then on a Matson container ship for the trip to Honolulu.  Imagine seeing this going down the interstate next to you?

Bofors arriving at the Missouri

Arriving at the Missouri

Bofors ready to unload

Great condition for its age

posing with the new Bofors

Ford and Missouri Sailor beam with pride (also great condition for their age)

Bofors up in the air

20,000 pounds of guns in the air

Ford posing with the Bofors

Ford doesn't get much happier

Bofors on the dock before the lift

On the dock waiting to go back aboard the Missouri

Bofors:good to be home

Good to be home

posing with the Bofors in front of USS Missouri

Mission Accomplished

The arrival of the Bofors in 2010 made a lot of people very happy.  It will become an important part of the historic display for all visitors to enjoy and I am sure Ford will add this bit of background to his tour program.

Related Pages:

Ford's Tour of the Yorktown

Bofors Pages

USS Yorktown