Because a gun is rarely fired under standard conditions the range tables are provided with columns 10 through 19 which are
called the Non-Standard columns of the range table.

These columns are used primarily aboard ship by the Fire Controlmen and the Fire Control Computer to generate gun orders
which correct for the following:

The change noted in each column is for reference only and you can use any amount of correction that is needed at the time.

Column 10 is headed “Change of range for variation of + 10 feet per second initial velocity.”

Column 11 is headed “Change of range for variation of -1 pound in weight of projectile.”

Column 12 is headed “Change of range for variation in density of air of -10 percent.”

Column 13 is headed “Change of range for wind component in plane of fire of 10 knots.”

Column 14 is headed “change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 10 knots.”

Column 15 is headed "Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 10 knots."

Column 16 is headed “Deviation for lateral wind component of 10 knots.”

Column 17 is headed “Deviation for lateral motion of gun perpendicular to line of fire, speed, 10 knots.”

Column 18 is headed “Deviation for lateral motion of target perpendicular to line of fire, speed of 10 knots.”

Column 19 of the range table, headed “Change in height of impact for variation of 100 yards in sight bar,”

The Fire Controlman has the job of fine tuning the computer inputs to improve the point of aim of the guns about the same as
a marksman adjusts his fire on the firing range.