16" Gun Pages
20MM AA Guns
40MM Bofors AA
40MM Bofors History and Relocation
USS Iowa Broadside Firing
US Navy Gunery
Range Tables, Ammunition
Design & Testing
Naval 14" Railway Guns In 1918 France
16" Main Battery Fire Control 1954
Loading the 16" Guns
Iowa Class BattleshipFiring 16" Guns
Major Caliber 16" /50 Guns and Turrets 1955 Training Video
USS WISCONSIN BB-64 16" Gunfire For the Last Time
21 Consecutive Shots from a 5" Gun on a US Destroyer
40MM Anti-Aircraft Gun 1943 Training and Operation Video
Mark 110 57 mm Naval Gun
Aerial Torpedo Attack with the MK 13 Torpedo
ASROC Weapons System 1963 Navy Training Videos
AV-8B Harrier Jet No Nose Gear Landing on Carrier
Multiple Blue Angels Videos
Multiple Carrier Landings various aircraft
Japanese Balloon Bombs Attacked on Our Own Soil
CWIS Close In Weapons System: Multiple Videos
Cormorant Unmanned Aircraft Deployed and Recovered from Submerged Submarine
B-25 Doolittle Reunions Dayton, Ohio 68th through 70th Reunions 2010-12
Navy Proving Gound Dahlgren, VA. 1951
F-35B STOVL Sea Trials USS Wasp 2011 2013
F/A-18 High Multiple Videos
Fire Control Analog Computers Parts 1 and 2 1953
Raytheon Fiber Laser Spy Drone Killer
GBAD Ground Based Anti-Drone Lasers On Trucks
The Iowa Class Battleship Top Fighting Ships
Japanese Balloon Bombs Attacked on Our Own Soil
Medal of Honor Society Convention 2010
Medal of Honor Society Gala 2010
Memorial Day 2012 Tribute To Fallen Heroes
Navy Seals vs. Somali Pirates
Night Engagement Empress Augusta Bay
North Platte Canteen
Panama Canal (Multiple Videos)
Rail Gun Electro-Magnetic Canon
Railway Artillery 14" Guns 1918 France
Sneak Craft of Italy & Germany
Soviet Naval Ships (SILENT)
Submarine Escape Trunk and Ascent Gear
The Sea Dart: water takeoff and landing
"Take 'er Down" Submarine History 1954
US Naval Aviation Museum Pensacola, Fl.
US Navy Presidential Honor Grd Drill Team
US Navy of 1915
US Navy Flying Pancake (multiple videos)
USS Cassin Young (multiple videos)
USS Clamagore SS-343 Slide Show
USS John C. Stennis Carrier Ops
USS Gerald R. Ford Magnetic Catapult Test
1000th Trap on USS Carl Vinson
Ann Wagner USS Arizona Tour Boat Driver
B-29 Tail Gunner Submarine Rescue Video
Bob Besal Reunited With His Sunken Plane 38 Years Lager
Brian Simic Underwater Re-enlistment USS Arizona
Bob Hope and the USO
Dan Galvin USS Quincy CA-39
Dave Bray: Star Spangled Banner
Doc Mike Breaks 80 at St. Andrews from Wheelchair
Ernest Borgnine: "I Am The American Sailor"
Elgin Staples - His Mother's Part in His Rescue
Gerald Bowman, 82, returns to USS Laffey, DD-724
Happy 236th Birthday US Navy
James Payton - Tarawa Survivor
Marble of Our Heroes' Headstones
Marvin Hume: Sunset Beach Flag Ceremony
Remembering Midway (Told by Survivors)
Robert Harding WWII USS Yorktown Veteran
Senior Chief Sid Busch (Ret): Marathon Man
Taylor Morris: A Story With No Words
The Calling: Navy Recruiting
Tin Can Sailors
4th of July Fireworks US Navy Style
A Sailor's Thoughts
Abbott and Costello: Find the Submarine
American Lake Veterans Golf Club
Bob Hope and the USO
Carrier Pilot Training Video 1946
Dry Dock Fishing May 1946
Dueling Jingle Bells: US Navy Band
Iron Chef Nimitz Food Prep Competition
Marriage at Sea
The Chief: What's your name again?
The Infamous Toilet Paper Letter
The Wal-Mart Greeter
Turbo-encabulator is Funded
US Navy Motivational Poster
US Navy Recruiter Call
US Navy Recruiting Video Starring Cher
US Navy Safe Boating Tips
US Navy Sells Naming Rights to Ships
USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) Tidbit
USS Hawkbill: Sub in a basement
USS Missouri BB-63 FOR SALE
USS New Jersey Fires Popcorn from 5" Gun
USS Midway VA-25's Toilet Bomb
USS Montana Collision Avoidance
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The Calling
This is a short video used by the Navy for recruiting, but it says a lot in a very short time.
The Calling: Inspirational Navy Recruiting Video - 90 seconds